Technology Files

    What is LED Color changing lamp

    Do you believe that colors are actually alive? They are flexiable and can easily influence our mood from the color changes in the environment, although most of us have got used to the white or warm light in our living space, the new LED color changing lamp has been invented with light and color adjustment funcitions which can be used to change the atmosphere of the space.
    LED color changing lamp consists of a capacitor step-down power supply, a LED controller and G.B.R three elementary color LED arrays, despite having the same appearance with the regular opal lamp, it can change color purple, blue, red and white lights in turns, the color changing elements of the lamp is the three elementary colored LEDs, when two of the three are illuminated, the lamp can emit yellow purple or eyan lights, if all the three color LEDs are brightened, white light will be emitted, if there is a circuit in which the three LEDs can be switched on separately in groups of two, in groupof one and in groups of all three, then seven different colors of lights can be emitted, then the color of the external bulbs of the lamp must be cream in order to blend the different colors while transparent material should be adopted
    LED color changing lamp can not only be used in family birthday parties and festival gatherings to add some gaiety to the atmospere, but can also be applied in places of entertainment or in advertising. For example, the blue light shadow can set off the freshness and mildness of a 6 o’clock morning, the warm yellow, adorable pink, light-heated green are suitable for tranquil and comfortable scenes, while the romantic violet can remind one of beautiful past memories, the atmospere of living or business spaces can be changed by the color changing of light rather than that of decorations or lamps.
    However, this kind of lamp also has a disadvantage, as the cost of color changing controlling circuit is rather high, and the lifespan of the drive circuit also needs to be taken into consideration, at present, there have been many solutions in the industry to copy with such problems, and it can be predicted that such applications will become more general after 2009, and the thriving of the LED illumination market will be seen in 2012

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    Ningbo Proleds Lighting Co.,Ltd